Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Review

Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Review

Is Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds legit and are they a good place to order cannabis seeds? In this thorough review, we leave no stone unturned.

Quick Summary

Which online seed bank is the best choice is always a tough question. It depends on the accepted payment options, countries served, and the (online) word of mouth. High-quality marijuana seeds at a decent price and perhaps some solid terms & conditions in case the logistics don’t pan out as planned, that’s what we’re after!

We’ve found lots of satisfied customers reporting back on AMS seeds, and we were happy with our first order, too. Seed quality was good – the kernels grew into strong, beautiful plants.

Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds has great deals indeed, and great service, which makes AMS a good choice as far as we’re concerned.

If I had to advise a friend, I wouldn’t soon direct them elsewhere, except perhaps to check out the deals at ILGM, another trusted favorite with truly excellent service, not to mention super fun marketing. Both places run these deals for 10+10 free cannabis seeds, so check which has the best strains for your needs, and you’re likely golden!

Website / Online Presence

Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Website Front Page

As far as browsing goes, AMS gets a solid A+ for its website and online store. It is easy to navigate, user-friendly, and intuitive. The organization of strains makes sense, the layout is perfect, and all the buttons and links work. This makes searching for the right strain a real pleasure.

Whether you’re aiming to grow some good old classics like Northern Lights or White Widow Buds or have some highly specific wishes, say cheese autoflower seeds, or Sativa genetics with high levels of THC, a website that presents well makes for a smooth shopping experience.

That’s a good start.

AMS Blueberry Muffin
Blueberry Muffin (feminized)

I’m especially loving the detailed pictures of buds, including some mean close-ups!

AMS Supreme
AMS Supreme (feminized)

Each strain’s information section features a handy table with an overview of everything you’d want to know about a strain at a glance, like the one below.

AMS Supreme – details

Notice how AMS is very ballpark with their reporting of potency a.k.a. THC content?

What this means is that they are being realistic. There’s no shame in giving it to us straight. THC content can vary depending on many factors. Whenever an exact number is stated, this has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Apart from the genetic component, most other aspects that influence the final levels of THC in weed are not in their control. As such, it is fair to give us a bracket of what to expect.

Tip! Learn more about what you can do to squeeze the highest amount of THC possible out of your plants: How to increase THC when growing marijuana.

Next to the strains, in the left sidebar, are some filters to narrow down the selection. These filters vary depending on whether you are on the auto-flowering, the feminized, or the combo pack page. (Combo packs can only be narrowed down so much since they include multiple strains.)

When browsing auto’s or feminized strains, however, you can select for a bunch of different things. Indica or Sativa, THC level, climate, plant size, yield, grow difficulty, and flowering time. There even is a price filter.

Practical Information

Next comes all there is to know about accepted payment methods and what to expect from shipping, delivery, and customer service.


  • Cash

You can send AMS cash via snail mail and they accept all currencies. The address can be found here. They ask that you use registered mail and not send any coins because those are much less likely to fly under the radar.

Please keep in mind that international registered mail can take up to several weeks to arrive. AMS keeps daily tabs on incoming mail and you will be sent an email update as soon as they receive your payment.

  • Credit Card

If you pay by Credit Card, AMS uses an extra layer of fraud prevention called “3D Secure”. Visa calls this “Verified by Visa”, Mastercard calls it “MasterCard SecureCode”, and other card companies might call it something else yet.

How it works exactly depends on the credit card company/bank. Usually, you are asked to create a code via the bank’s portal. If that is not the case, you might need to contact your bank to activate your 3D Secure.

  • Bank Transfer

At AMS, you can pay via international bank transfer, USA domestic bank transfer, and wire transfer.

When using bank transfer as your payment method, the main thing you’ll probably wonder about is what the transaction will show as. AMS uses several different payment processors all over the world. For the discretion of all parties involved, the name of the payment processor is not mentioned online. However, it will be in the email confirmation, so that you know what to look for.

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Be sure to add your order number when making the transfer. It makes it easier for AMS to connect the incoming payment to your order. If you don’t, they’ll still paste it together but it might take a little longer for your order to be processed and dispatched.

Also, keep in mind that it will take as long as the transfer needs to go through for your order to start moving. AMS will keep you posted throughout the order process via email. They are very approachable and happy to help, too, so if you have any questions just reach out to customer service.

  • Bitcoins & Other Cryptocurrencies

Many online seed banks offer a discount to those who pay in Bitcoins. So does AMS; you can save a worthwhile 10% by using this payment method.

First off, AMS uses the term “Bitcoins” loosely, in reference to all cryptocurrencies because it is the most popular and widely used one. They also accept many other, less popular, cryptocurrencies. During checkout, you will have the opportunity to choose Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and more.

Secondly, it is nice to see that they understand how the concept of cryptocurrency can be intimidating to someone who is new to the whole thing. (I know it is to me!)

Where to start, and how does this work? Not to mention that you may wish to learn more about how this payment method works, exactly, before even considering to jump in.

AMS has dedicated a page to introducing Bitcoins/cryptocurrencies. Check it out for more information. (The English grammar is a bit off, but never beyond understandable.)

This is more of an introduction to the concept; not a step-by-step tutorial on how to proceed. For great tutorials that take newbies by the hand, check out specialized crypto websites: Coinbase, Local Bitcoins, or Bitonic.

Worldwide Delivery

Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds ships everywhere in the world except for the following countries that have a very strict customs regulations:

– Afghanistan
– Turkey
– Iraq
– Syria
– Iran
– Yemen
– Algeria
– Saudi-Arabia
– Morocco
– Oman
– Kuwait
– Malaysia
– Singapore
– United Arab Emirates
– Australia
– New Zealand
– Ukraine
– Korea


Seeds ship in neutral packaging. They may be hidden inside random objects. If this is your first time ordering cannabis seeds online, be on the lookout for a piece of mail that you can’t quite place, with inside something that you didn’t order. 😉

AMS is very supportive of their customers whose orders get lost. However, they do expect you to reach out within a reasonable time frame. So this is the deal:

  • Orders shipped within Europe normally arrive within 21 business days.
  • Orders outside of Europe typically arrive within 31 business days.

Understandably, you’re excited for the seeds to arrive! Patience is a virtue, though. AMS asks that you only contact them if your order has not arrived within 31 business days.

Once this time has passed, you not only rightfully can but actually should reach out as soon as possible. The reason being that there is a window of up to a maximum of 60 days from the date of shipment to claim your package as lost.

Also, Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds’ company policy is that customers have up to a maximum of 90 days from the date of shipment to notify them about a germination problem.

AMS will then work with you to send a replacement or refund.

Guaranteed Delivery

My favorite seed banks are those that ship worldwide, for free. It is nice to be able to concentrate on strain shopping and to know that the price you see is what you’ll pay.

All sorts of extra charges showing up just before checkout can be a hurdle. I know I am more likely to complete an order without having to work my way through additional fees. I guess this makes me human since it has been proven most people are!

At some seed banks, it goes like this: Regular shipping: ka-ching, stealthy shipping: ka-ching, faster shipping: ka-ching, guaranteed delivery: ka-ching ka-ching!

Bonus points for Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds because their prices include free worldwide shipping and guaranteed delivery.

If your seeds get damaged during shipment, just send AMS a picture of the crushed seeds. If customs decides to add them to their personal stash, AMS needs a picture of the confiscation letter. In both cases, you can expect replacements.

Guaranteed Germination

AMS does not put their germination guarantee front and center as do certain other seed banks.

Turns out, it is there; they do guarantee the sprouting of their seeds to some extent. They guarantee “a high germination rate”, which isn’t very specific but still works as long as this promise is kept.

Based on the reviews testifying to getting a replacement, AMS does come through and handles the occasional issue with elan.

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Alright! So that is awesome. We should add AMS to our list of seed banks that provide guaranteed germination. The process for getting said replacement involves a bit of legwork, though.

Quoting from the FAQ-page: “We guarantee a high germination rate if you follow our instructions in the Grow Guide […] If you still did not have a good germination rate after following the instructions then please send the ungerminated seeds back to us for testing. Once we have received the ungerminated seeds we will send you a replacement.”

Customer Service

Overall, Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds has excellent customer service. The company has a thorough fine print that covers virtually everything that might happen when you order cannabis seeds online. The action steps for each scenario are properly explained.

We’re all so used to ordering stuff online these days. We also know that the better online retailers have a care for their customer base. What happens during transit is beyond the control of the sender. Mail is subject to the treatment of carriers. However, it can’t be the customer’s gamble, either!

Any online retailer, whether of marijuana seeds or other things, should handle transportation and delivery issues with a certain elegance and generosity. It is what makes people come back to their virtual storefront, after all.

AMS is one of the good places to order seeds. They definitely show dedication to the happiness of their customers and I can wholeheartedly recommend them.

Oh, one more thing – if you need to reach out, here’s the contact page.

Strain Selection

When looking at all seeds, it shows 173 results but that includes the combo packs. (Of which there are 42, so I suppose that means AMS has roughly 131 strains.)

Spotlight on: High THC

Looking for high THC strains in particular?

It is possible to filter for those, however, the filter isn’t narrow. You’ll be left with close to a hundred results. Indeed, more than three-quarters of the AMS catalog consists of high THC strains; they have every one of those strains listed as containing between 20 and 30% THC.

It is, of course, helpful to know which strains are the more potent ones of the bunch. THC levels can certainly be heavily impacted by growing issues but what is the potential? How much THC can each strain produce under near-ideal circumstances? Because there’s still a big difference between 21 and 29%.

This information is – for some strains – buried deep in the descriptions. AMS XTRM, for example, has a THC level of 23%. Blue Dream XTRM has been tested at 24% THC. Big Bubble is a potent strain (averaging 24% THC) and just one of the many that are easy to grow.

The numbers must be known to AMS, since they obviously have their creations tested, even if just to know which of the THC brackets to place them in. It would be awesome if they gave us insight into their best results. With a disclaimer that ‘your results may vary’, sure, but it’s still nice to know what to aim for.

Spotlight on: High Yield

Among the high-yielding strains are seeds like AMS XTRM (up to 750 g per square meter outside) and AK 47 XTRM (up to 1000 g per square meter outside). Bonfire (feminized), Chocolope (feminized), and 420 Carat (feminized) all yield up to 900 g per square meter outdoors.

Spotlight on: high CBD

High CBD strains are missing from the main menu and the filters. It appears they’re there, though, tucked away in the drop-down menu. When I select the “CBD seeds low THC <0.2%” options, all sorts of strains pop up that are very high in THC.

Somewhere in the mix: CBDoc, a strain with around 24% THC as well as a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD. Based on the description, this sounds like an excellent strain, to be honest. That said, what about those who want just CBD and very little to no THC? Unfortunately, AMS has little to offer to the CBD-only crowd.

Most Popular Strains

Some of the most popular strains at Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds are… Drumroll…



AMS Blue Dream XTRM

Blue Dream XTRM

AMS White Queen

White Queen

AMS Big Bud Autoflowering

Big Bud Auto-flowering

AMS White Widow

White Widow

Combo Packs

AMS has 42 “combo packs”. These are a combination of three different strains, and the total price lets you save between $48 and $138.

The combinations are well-thought-out.

Some have fun names such as “road trip” (LA Don, NY Turbo Diesel, and California Dream), “the blues” (Aussie Blues, Purple Power, and Blue Dream XTRM), “fruit basket” (Mangolicious, Strawberry Ice, and Pineapple Express), or “candy shop” (Candy Kush, Bonbon d’Amour, and Girlscout Cookie XTRM).

Others are named more functionally.

You can get an easy growing combo pack, a selection of cup winners, Indica and Sativa combinations, three different White Widow or Kush strains, or a special outdoor growing trio consisting of OG Kush, Durban Poison, and Super Silver Haze.

What’s inside?

Combo packs come in two sizes, regular and XL. The regular ones have fifteen seeds; three of each strain. The XL packs have double that, 30 seeds in total. That’s where you’ll get the biggest discounts of up to $138, as is the case with the Silver & Gold Combo. The three strains in this pack are 420 Carat, Pot of Gold, and Super Silver Haze.

AMS silver_gold_combo_pack_xl


To learn from other people’s opinions, I like to take a good, close look at everything on Trustpilot, an external rating service.

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If everyone else is raving too, guess the place’s got something good going on! If other people have lots of complaints, it appears my experience was merely a lucky one.

Are negative reviews left ‘dangling’, without so much as an attempt to resolve by the company? Then we can safely assume they don’t really care.

In browsing the less-than-positive reviews, you’ll also quickly find out whether the folks who submitted them are reasonable.

Is it an actual issue, such as the company refusing to come through on something that’s literally promised in their fine print? Or is it some grumpy-butt complaining they haven’t received their seeds yet, a mere week after placing an order?

External Ratings

The ‘external’ rating part of Trustpilot is important because we never know for sure whether reviews on a company’s own website are altered. Maybe they publish only the good ones and ditch the bad ones, maybe not… You just don’t know.

At the time of writing, Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds has a score of 3.9. If you’re wondering why their score is “only” 3.9, do take a look. (It’s the bar at the very top of the site; click through to Trustpilot for detailed reviews.)

I have yet to find another seed bank that replies to the occasional wanker with such dedication. Hats off, guys!

Is ‘Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds’ Legit?

Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds is not only legit without the shadow of a doubt, it is one of the best places you could use to get cannabis seeds online.

Bold statements like this one (or extraordinary claims, as first said by Carl Sagan) require extraordinary evidence. AMS really does check out on all fronts and from all angles.

This review is written from the perspective of both personal experience, and the ratings of others. Our own experience ordering from AMS has been top notch. To supplement what otherwise would be a single-minded view, you can learn a lot by digging through the heaps of reviews online!

Not everyone has time to do as much research and leave no stone unturned. In a nutshell, to save you time, the important takeaways are:

  • AMS is a legit seed bank/cannabis seed company.
  • They ship “worldwide”, bar a lengthy list of excluded countries. Australia and New Zealand are on that list.
  • Delivery is free and guaranteed.
  • Sprouting of seeds is guaranteed as well, under certain conditions. Check that fine print. 😉
  • Their score on Trustpilot is great with five-star ratings across the board. Negative reviews are very rare. AMS responds to every single one of those with a solution.

Special Offers, Coupons, Discount Codes

There obviously is no such thing as a free lunch. The funds for seed banks to offer free worldwide shipping and free guaranteed delivery needs to come from somewhere. The astute observation that such services are factored into the sales prices of seeds would be spot on.

Personally, I’d much rather have seeds that are a tad more expensive than they are at certain other places, with the assurance that I will be well taken care of if the logistics hit a snag. If you feel comfortable engaging in a transaction with a shadier place, go for it, but I’ll take quality over cheap most days.

Now, if you can order from a solid and reputable seed bank like this one, but with a discount, that’s the way.

The better deals at AMS are the following:

  • Combo packs, not time-sensitive, give way more bang for those bucks than when getting seeds separately.
  • On the front of individual strains, the promo area shows the deals of the moment. AMS runs a good amount of “10+10 free seeds” promotions throughout the year. That’s a score! Considering the free shipping and guaranteed delivery, those 10+10 deals are hard to beat, even when compared to – at first glance – cheaper seed banks.

By Felis Cannabis

Hi, Felis Cannabis here. This little corner of the web is my scratch pole. The legalize movement is growing, but not fast enough for me to give up the incognito status just yet. ;-) Let's keep at it! We should have the right to use any plant we choose.